OMEN follows the stories of Mikhal Fukami, Alumit Nasri, and Aila Gniewek, who each possess a gift of Sight. These gifts manifest themselves in the shape of OMENs, or prophetic visions tangible only to the seer.
The beginning of a new century has brought with it a change of power; one that promises hope to the people of Eden, who have for long lived in a state of disrepair. A thick blanket of smog covers the city, nearly enveloping the blackened sun. Instead, the City of Eden is lit in neon lights which proclaim the government’s goodness to its people, while poverty and death darken the streets of the exalted city. Inside a mechanic’s shop, three seers convene long after closing time, their voices hushed as they concoct a plan that will protect the city’s inhabitants from an impending ruin.